Chee Jee Kong

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Chee Jee Kong
Independent Non-Executive Director
Age 37, Male, Malaysian

CHEE JEE KONG was appointed to the Board of Signature International Berhad as Independent Non-Executive Director on 8 June 2021. He is also a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company.

He holds a diploma from LimKokWing University. He started his journey of entrepreneurship at age of 23 when he founded Global Strategy Advisory. Over the past 15 years, he has worked with over 200 brands across 23 industries including national security, building material manufacturer, entertainment, insurance, telecommunications, fashion, retail, property development, food & beverage, animal welfare, baby wellness, and many more.

He is also an international speaker on the topics of strategy, branding, leadership and entrepreneurship. He has been invited to speak in many countries, universities and CEO & entrepreneurial platforms including the Global Leadership Summit, Entrepreneur Organisation Malaysia, World Marketing Congress India, and World Brand Congress Dubai.

In 2010, he began his mentorship journey with Karthik Siva, a world-renowned strategist and founder of Global Brand Forum, as a Business, Brand & Leadership Strategy Master. In 2017, he founded 10XCEOs Strategy Coach, a global business coaching platform which currently has 50 business coaches in five countries over three continents. In 2020, he cofounded Global Entrepreneur Xchange (GEX), an entrepreneur platform that transforms local businesses into global brands, specialising in different areas of entrepreneurship, strategy, business, branding, management, and leadership.

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